The best coffee I ever had was in France. Since then I have been on a search for something comparable. To this date my favorite is Java Delight Double Chocolate Light Roast .... Java House is available in a number of bean at the Acme (ground or whole). I also like their Ethiopian Coffee and Hazelnut Cream Decaf. I keep my coffee in tightly sealed Plastic Protectors that came with my Longaberger Canister Baskets. We like our coffee perked in a Faberware coffee pot. It produces a hot cup of coffee in under two minutes. For awhile we were purchasing our Faberware from a vendor at the flea market but the coffee was not heating properly in the old units so we did the necessary and went to Kohls with a coupon.
I like my coffee with cream. No sugar but with toast or desert is nice. Having given up gluten I found I was not drinking as much coffee. I will be reintroducing gluten in moderation because I really can take it or leave it. Sometimes fasting from something is about breaking an addiction. Addictions cause imbalances in the body and in behavior. I believe that fasting is most effective when combined with prayer in breaking addictions because imbalances begin with a life that is off center and if God is not the center something else has to be. We were made to worship something .... if not God then we will worship something he created (Good things in themselves when taken in context). This is revolt (commandment #1 Thou shalt have no other gods before me). The scriptures also tell us that behind addictions their are evil spiritual forces. They do not love God and they do not love us. They would see us destroyed mentally and physically and every other way. Satan is a harsh task master.
While I give this idea mental assent I'm still learning to let go .... it's really about trust. Trust that my Father in Heaven, The Good Shepherd, loves me and will do what is best for me ..... and it's about intimacy. The closer I get to him the more I realize he is the incomparable .... the Pearl of Great Price ... perhaps I should go back to French coffee.
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