June 4, 2010

Ginnie Gellie Salt Scrub

The Ginnie Gellie Salt Scrub is a new listing for Cotton Ginnie Studio. I got the basic recipe for salt scrub on the Internet and then did some tweaking. The results floored me. I used the product last night in the shower .... it was sublime. I slipped between the sheets feeling relaxed, fragrant, and really beautiful and I slept like a baby. It is recommended that a salt scrub be used once a week. I may be tempted to use it every night. The Ginnie Gellie Salt Scrub contains course salt, grape seed oil, vitamin e oil, aloe vera, plant pheromones, and a jasmine scent (I would like to experiment with a ylang ylang & nutmeg scent next).
Jasmine flowers are picked at night after they open. It requires 2,000 pounds of hand picked flowers to render one pound of jasmine oil. Jasmine oil darkens and becomes more fragrant with age. In India the jasmine flower is called "moonshine in the garden" and it is the favorite fragrance for French women. Ginnie Gellie Salt Scrub made me feel absolutely luscious.


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