October 3, 2009

A T-shirt Quilt

Part of trying to make income from being an artist is accepting commissions. I would never have attempted a t-shirt quilt if a wealthy patron had not requested one to be made for her son. The young man has graduated high school and is off to college. His mother wants a quilt made for him from all his old t-shirts.

My first challenge in looking through the t-shirts was to come up with a suitable pattern. I chose a Midwest Modern Amy Butler Classic which I have made before for Jon and Jesse. It was in beach style fabrics and a favorite with my guys .... actually Jesse saw Jon's and wanted one too. I'll show and tell later.

My second challenge was coming up with something of a united theme ... there are shirts about sports, schools, art, nature, Halloween ..... and Homer Simpson. I felt stumped ... sure this was destined to be the UGLI Quilt. Ugly can be cool but I very much wanted to avoid blau. So I said a little prayer and "Voila!" Instantly it occurred to me to separate the themes into two groups. Sports and Schools on one side of the quilt and art and nature on the other.

My next challenge was the range of colors. There is mostly red, white, grey and blue with the odd purple, orange or dull green shirt. More praying ..... I'm thinking this is the UGLI HOLINESS Quilt. But the inspiration is coming on and I remembered Indian Blankets I'd seen with just about every color in the rainbow and they worked.

At this point I'm cutting up the t-shirts and feeling hopeful about the results. I'll let you know how it goes.


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