July 16, 2011


We had a graduation party. It was for Jonathan.

July 14, 2011

The Bird Has Flown

Jonathan, Ashley & David all had speeches at WCS graduation ceremonies. Dave as a teacher, Ashley as valdictorian and Jon .... cause he's fun. Jon's awards this year revolved around athletics; WCS Outstanding Senior Male Athlete, Most Outstanding Thrower, 2011, Most Val;uable Player (Basketball) and he ranked second in the tri-stae area for Shot Put. This year he was involved mostly in basketball, and track. He has been accepted at Lancaster Bible College and is opting for either a Physical Education or Missions degree. Lancaster Bible is about an hour from home town Delaware. We may see him on the weekend.

July 3, 2011


Worked a couple of days housekeeping at Patterns .... the home of former Gov. Pete DuPont.

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